14 лет

In my dream (revisited)

37 40%
Над треком работали
Я и Ольга Параскевич("Уна")написала текст(англ)
Эта песня уже есть на этом сайте,это новая версия.
Demo 2005г.
Геннадий Сырокваш г.Минск
In my dream shaft of ecstasy blew up my heart
Strident scream as I’m falling from the steepest scarp
In my dream losing my mind
In my dream getting so blind
Angel, cast my lot
Angel, decide!
Angel, show the way
Angel sublime

In my dream where sky is red I’ve lost my heart
Stunning scream…I’m the part of this hysteric sharp
In my dream dazzling my eyes
In my dream so hypnotized
Angel, cast my lot
Angel, decide!
Angel, show the way
Angel sublime

In my dream I survive the fervor of my heart
Spread my wings and exploded at the very start
In my dream getting so high
In my dream winning this fight
Angel, cast my lot
Angel, decide!
Angel, show the way
Angel sublime