17 лет

Slavery as a Sentence

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"Burn to Hate"
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Slavery as a sentence
When cringing you deprive yourself of your right to life,
You sign a sentence for yourself
To be humiliated
What respect you may have from other people,
If you do not respect yourself,
And if you like a dog throw your only life to master’s hands.
You may be thrown a bone as a response,
Or maybe the cane will strike your neck,
And you will have to bear this,
Because you have already suffrage nowhere.
There’s an instinct living in people-
The right is that one, who is stronger,
And those who have given themselves up,
And those rubbing off their knees
Just to gain master’s favor
Like blind brutes that are not able to see
Anything and to grasp with their minds
Are treated like the material for experiments
Or the heap of excrements.
All around will be kicking the fallen,
They will beat completely the one, who has grown weak,
And they won’t even pay attention that you are a man.
You have an everlasting seal on you,
Even your eyes look downtrodden,
Like the eyes of the beast chased after,
But the hunters have one concern:
To get satisfaction by shooting you
Or by putting a collar on you to get a slave
That can carry out any order.