17 лет


15 43%
Lyric by LeftHander
Bowls of abyss,
My scarlet horror
In a grove of Ancient
Overthrow the roar
Crowd of virgins by chains paces into your mouth
You absorb their sols to take away their youth

Feathered Snake…

Priestess copulates with strangers
To open through the Vice your Path
Way to altar of madness

Star turn to daggers
Cutting the lithe flesh of the sky
Bloody downpour irrigates the earth

That is the reason of dirt?
Where the nasty thing begins?
Tell you who there was up to me
Who saw as our ancestors have left the Eterne Ocean?
Ptah will not return in Ulum….

Our Union won't shatter
As the Feathered Snake arrives…..

Lyric by LeftHander